"모스크바의 여호와의 증인 대 러시아 연방" 및 "크룹코 및 기타 대 러시아 연방"에 대한 유럽 인권 재판소의 판결 이행 감사 결과에 대한 유럽 평의회 각료 위원회의 결의안

프랑스 국제기구

"유럽 평의회의 외무 장관들로 구성되고 유럽 인권 재판소의 판결 이행을 감독하는 한 위원회는 러시아에 여호와의 증인 조직에 대한 금지령을 해제해 줄 것을 촉구하였습니다."

Resolution of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe of October 1, 2020 on the results of supervision of the execution of the European Court’s judgments on applications Jehovah’s Witnesses of Moscow and Others and Krupko and Others v. Russian Federation


CM/Del/ Dec( 2020)1383/H46-17

1 October 2020

1383rd meeting, 29 September – 1 October 2020 (DH)

H46-17 Jehovah’s Witnesses of Moscow and Others (Application No. 302/02) and Krupko and Others (Application No. 26587/07) v. Russian Federation

Supervision of the execution of the European Court’s judgments

Reference document



The Deputies

1. recalled that the case of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Moscow and Others concerns the dissolution of the applicant religious community entailing a ban on its activities, as well as the unreasoned refusal to allow its
re-registration and the excessive length of the dissolution proceedings, and that the case of Krupko and Others concerns the dispersal of a peaceful religious ceremony by law-enforcement agents and the subsequent deprivation of liberty of some of its participants at a police station for some three hours;

2. further recalled their previous decisions adopted in respect of these two cases noting the progress achieved in 2004-2015 but also the serious concerns at the effects of the new blanket ban imposed in 2017 and stressed that freedom of religion constitutes one of the foundations of a democratic society;

3. deeply regretted the continuing objection by the authorities to the Committee’s examination of the 2017 ban and its consequences, and reiterated yet …