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Actions of Law Enforcement Officers

In Petrozavodsk, One of Jehovah's Witnesses Was Arrested After a Search


On June 21, 2024, Natalya Zalevskaya, judge of the Petrozavodsk City Court, sent Sergey Fedorov, 50, to a pretrial detention center. The day before, the home of the believer was searched.

Back in March 2024, law enforcement officers first went to the home of the Fedorov couple in the city of Tolyatti, where they then lived, with a search warrant. The apartment of the believers was invaded by 9 people who did not identify themselves. The couple was taken to different rooms, Fedorov was handcuffed and hit on the head. Then 8 people spread out around the apartment, one stayed with Sergey, holding him on the floor on his knees with his hands clasped behind his back and raised high.

The Fedorovs were not read their rights, nor were they allowed to make a phone call to their relatives. During the 4-hour "inspection", according to believers, the law enforcement officers planted several books, flash drives and other items. Laptops, mobile phones, smartwatches, and personal notes were seized.

Then Sergey Fedorov was taken to Petrozavodsk for interrogation, which was conducted by M.V. Golubenko, Lieutenant Colonel of the FSB. After interrogation, the believer was released. On June 6, 2024, Golubenko initiated a criminal case against Sergey Fedorov under Article 282.2(1) of the RFCrC (organizing the activity of an extremist organization).

On June 20, in Petrozavodsk, the Fedorovs' house was searched again with the participation of the same representatives of the local FSB. The couple was taken to the local office where Sergey was detained. The next day, the court imposed pretrial detention as a preventive measure on him. The believer is in a detention center at penal colony No.9 in the Republic of Karelia.

This is the fourth criminal case against Jehovah's Witnesses in this region. Five believers had previously been sentenced to heavy fines.

The Case of Fedorov in Petrozavodsk

Case History
Sergey Fedorov and his wife first came to the attention of the security forces in the summer of 2019 when their home was searched. About five years later, the FSB raided them again: under the pretext of inspecting their home, they actually searched their apartment in Tolyatti, handcuffed Sergey, hit him on the head and planted banned literature. The believer was taken 2,000 kilometers away to Petrozavodsk to "give explanations." In June 2024, a criminal case was initiated against Fedorov for organizing the activity of an extremist organization. His home was searched for the third time, and he was placed in a pretrial detention center.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Court case number:
June 6, 2024
Current case stage:
preliminary investigation
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (1)
Case History
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